B4 Community Storytellers
Second Nature Stories - B4 Community Storytellers
Nat Kendall-Taylor: Let's make a habit of framing

Nat Kendall-Taylor: Let's make a habit of framing

Four ways to frame your early years' stories so they make a bigger impact.

Imagine if you could supercharge the impact of your early years' stories, presentations, posters, and social posts by tweaking just a few words or phrases. Okay, so we don’t really want you just to imagine it - we want you to do it!

So does Nat Kendall-Taylor…

Nat is the CEO of the Frameworks Institute. For more than a decade, his organisation has been studying how people respond to the different words and phrases we use when we talk about early childhood. He knows that we don’t have to guess which words might be the most useful - there’s a science to it. In a recent visit to Tasmania, he sat down with Penny Terry to discuss what the research says are the most effective ways to frame our stories and talked her through some practical strategies to help us use these useful frames more often.

Register now!

A quick reminder that our next live Zoom catch-up will be next Wednesday the 17th of April between 4:30 pm and 5:30 pm AEDT.

Make sure you get this session in your diary and REGISTER NOW

Why should you come?

  • Connect with others who share your passion for improving the lives of children in the early years

  • Grow your professional network in a collaborative learning environment

  • Experience the benefits of participating in a community of practice: professional growth, collaboration, and innovation

  • Contribute to a collective wealth of knowledge on the transformative power of storytelling conversations to improve outcomes for children in the early years

What can you expect?

  • Facilitated by me - Penny Terry - the session offers an "Ask Me Anything" format, where you can come along with a question, challenge or experience to share, or simply listen and learn from others

  • Tap into the collective wisdom of the community to tackle common communication challenges and discover innovative solutions and fresh ideas

  • Be inspired to think differently, sparking innovation and creativity in your own storytelling practice

  • Collaborate and connect with like-minded professionals, fostering a sense of community and shared learning

  • Leave the session feeling motivated and inspired, ready to apply new knowledge and storytelling strategies to improve outcomes for children in the early years

We can’t wait to ‘get the band back together’! Look forward to seeing you online soon.

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B4 Community Storytellers
Second Nature Stories - B4 Community Storytellers
Before storytelling becomes second nature, we need to build the habit. That's what Second Nature Stories is all about - helping you build actions into your everyday to make storytelling feel easier and more automatic, so you can do what you do better and for more impact.
We're on a mission to make it easy for informal influencers, community leaders, and people working in or around the 'early years' to use simple - yet highly influential - conversational stories to improve their community’s knowledge about what children need in those early years - from conception through to 4 years old - the time ‘before’ school.
Each episode host Penny Terry finds new ideas, experts, stories, techniques and people to help build your storytelling muscle. It's one of the many resources of the B4 Community Storytellers - Community of Practice*.
You can join the Community of Practice and get access to all the other resources (for free) on Substack: https://pennyterry.substack.com/
*Penny Terry creates content for and manages the B4 Community Storytellers Community of Practice on behalf of the B4 Early Years Coalition, a Tasmanian Government Initiative.
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Appears in episode
Penny Terry
Nat Kendall-Taylor